Honeywell STD830 Differential Pressure Transmitters
SmartLine® ST800 Differential Pressure Transmitters bring smart technology to a wide spectrum of measurement applications ranging from furnace combustion airflow rate to hydrostatic tank gauging. The transmitters can be used with any primary flow element to provide proven, repeatable flow measurement.
What Is It?
ST800 Differential Pressure Transmitters are ideal for critical process loops and high-value applications such as custody transfer, and energy and material balances. Four models are available with the following ranges:
STD810 -10 to 10 inH2O -25 to 25 mbar
STD820 -400 to 400 inH2O -996 to 996 mbar
STD830 -100 to 100 psi -6.9 to 6.9 bar
STD870 -3,000 to 3,000 psi -207 to 207 bar
Part of the SmartLine® family of products, the STD800 is a
high performance differential pressure transmitter featuring
piezoresistive sensor technology. By combining
differential pressure sensing with on chip static pressure
and temperature compensation the STD800 offers high
accuracy and stability over a wide range of application
pressures and temperatures. The SmartLine family is also
fully tested and compliant with Experion ® PKS providing
the highest level of compatibility assurance and integration
capabilities. SmartLine easily meets the most demanding
application needs for pressure measurement applications.
Best in Class Features:
o Accuracies up to 0.035% standard & 0.025% Opt
o Stability up to 0.01% of URL per year for ten years
o Automatic static pressure & temperature
o Rangeability up to 400:1
o Response times as fast as 90ms
o Multiple local display capabilities
o External zero, span, & configuration capability
o Polarity insensitive electrical connections
o Comprehensive on-board diagnostic capabilities
o Integral Dual Seal design for highest safety based on
ANSI/NFPA 70-202 and ANSI/ISA 12.27.0
o World class overpressure protection
o Full compliance to SIL 2/3 requirements.
o Modular design characteristics
o Available with 15 year warranty
o Plugged Impulse Line Detection Option
o Dual/Triple Calibration Option (HART & Fieldbus
Communications/Output Options:
o 4-20mA dc
o Honeywell Digitally Enhanced (DE)
o HART ® (version 7.0)
o FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus
Explore the rest of the SmartLine ST800 Pressure Transmitters Product Family
Absolute Pressure – SmartLine ST800
Differential Pressure – SmartLine ST800
Flange Mount Transmitters – SmartLine ST800
Gauge Pressure Transmitters – SmartLine ST800
Remote Diaphragm Transmitters – SmartLine ST800
ST800 Absolute Pressure Transmitters
STA822/STA82L 0 to 780 mmHga (0 to 1,040 mbara)
STA840/STA84L 0 to 500 psia (0 to 35 bara)
STA87L 0 to 3000 psia (0-207 bara)
ST800 Differential Pressure Transmitters
STD810 -10 to 10 inH2O -25 to 25 mbar
STD820 -400 to 400 inH2O -996 to 996 mbar
STD830 -100 to 100 psi -6.9 to 6.9 bar
STD870 -3,000 to 3,000 psi -207 to 207 bar
ST800 Flange Mount Pressure Transmitters
STF828 -400 to 400 inH2O (-1000 to 1000 mbar) 4 to 400 inH2O (10 to 1000 mbar)
STF832 -100 to 100 psi (-7 to 7 bar) 1 to 100 psi (0.07 to 7 bar)
STF82F -400 to 400 inH2O (-1000 to 1000 mbar) 1 to 400 inH2O (2.5 to 1000 mbar)
STF83F -100 to 100 psi (-7 to 7 bar) 1 to 100 psi (0.07 to 7 bar)
ST800 Dual Head Gauge Pressure Transmitters
STG840/STG84L 0-500 psi 0-35 bar
STG870/STG87L 0-3,000 psi 0-210 bar
STG88L 0-6,000 psi 0-415 bar
STG89L 0-10,000 psi 0-690 bar
ST800 Remote Diaphragm Seal Transmitters
STR82D: 0-10 to 0-400 inH2O 0-25 to 0-1000 mbar
STR83D: 0-5 to 0-100 psig 0-0.35 to 0-7 bar
STR84G: 0-5 to 0-500 psig 0-0.35 to 0-35 bar
STR87G: 0-100 to 0-3000 psig 0-7 to 0-210 bar
STR84A: 0-5 to 0-500 psia 0-0.35 to 0-35 bar
T: 86-027-85581877 F: 86-027-85309780
Ad: 7-A16,Caishen Commercial Plaza,Hankou Railway Station,Wuhan, Hubei, China